All-Flash, hybrid and object storage solutions that enhance the management of critical business data.


Give your business cost-effective storage solutions to protect your most valuable competitive advantage, your data.

Intuate Group provides clients with a comprehensive range of storage options with the ability to unify, consolidate and rapidly scale any size enterprise storage environment. Consequently, with offerings ranging from all-flash and hybrid arrays to object storage, our clients have reported a reduction in operational cost and data centre space required.

All Flash Storage Solutions Advantages

  • Fast I/O and improved responsiveness as a result of superb performance
  • Decreased space and increased capacity because of better efficiency
  • Cost-effective as a result of lower capital and operational expenditures

Hybrid Storage Solutions Advantages

  • Minimise operational costs and utilise resources optimally with a software-defined infrastructure
  • Fast-track workloads and reduce latency because of of dynamic tiering
  • Reduce risk and most importantly, capitalise on 100% data availability

Object Storage Advantages

  • Secure and visible data mobility
  • Intuitive collaboration tools resulting in empowered employees
  • Control operational expenses whilst above all storing data efficiently
  • In addition, customisable to suit your unique business requirements

Please download our brochures for full insight into key features and functionality.